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oakleigh grammar

Landmark multi-use school building.

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Architects Statement


"We developed the brief together and in collaboration with the School Board and School Principals/Executive, whereby we could re-locate the gas meter and build a new two storey school building facing the street.  We did this in a way where at ground level, the north and south play areas remained connected but also by the introduction of landscaping, seating and open causeway.  


With an open stair to the first floor, the spaces are now active and can be used by the students in many outdoor recreational ways. A feature of this is the overhanging first floor on the north side that creates a large and long covered walkway, acting also as a veranda with seats and landscaping pods, facing the basketball court and other play areas.


To minimise the structure and use of columns, we adopted a large curved opening that also revealed the glass wall of the ground floor classrooms.  In this manner the classrooms appear to be open to the outside.  


From the outside there is a transparency that throws light through the whole ground floor, with the landscaping pods popping up around all sides and giving the building a green base, symbolising the connection back to the land.  A formal lobby and entrance were highlighted on the south/east side by peeling the brickwork on the corner to both sides.  


This created two arcs at right angles together with a curved brickwork corner at the apex, giving the entrance an unusual arch look that speaks to the person entering as having arrived at a significant place of learning within the school campus.  It was decided that this would suit the feel and educational need of what was to be named as "The Centre for Academic Excellence".  


This open corner arrangement enhances the visual of what appears to be suspended brick walls and was adopted to the north/east corner, thus giving symmetry to the street facade, particularly with the centralised elliptical window on the first floor.  This window was designed to present to the outside world and identify as the new Oakleigh Grammar expansion.  


A highlight that reflects the values of the school.  It was formulated with the proportions and location to serve as a viewing portal from inside to the Church and the openness of the skies and the horizon.  This building is viewed as continuing on the theme of strength, growth and community in a thriving and expanding School"

Project 03.01 included the below services from Morea Architects

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MA Glass Prism - Exploded2.png
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town planning

Planning Permit & Regulatory Approvals


Exterior & Interior Design


Administration of Building Contract

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Morea Architects is part of the MOREA GROUP.

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